Join now FREE. The Tech Leaders is an association of IT leaders and decision makers who meet to share ideas and best practices. See how some of the best local companies solve their IT challenges with innovative solutions.
Sponsorship Overview.
The TechSummit series provides unmatched exposure to key IT decision makers within the top 50 metro markets. For less than the cost of a few in-person sales calls you can speak to a group of 80-130 key IT decision makers. Selected sponsors receive a speaking opportunity, a 6 foot draped exhibit table, electricity, WiFi and lunch for two sponsorship representatives. Be sure to reserve early to avoid a wait list situation. If you have any questions after reviewing the sponsorship pages on this site or the Sponsorship PDF(right click to download) please call Shelly Fisher at 404-400-2424 or
Benefits of Sponsoring
I pretty much stopped doing these types of events because of poor attendee quality and volume but this totally changed my mind. I'm going to send out an internal email to my peers recommending they do your events." - Barracuda Networks, Tim Solomon, Commercial Accounts Manager
Mark these future dates for an hour each (also recorded, watch Live or Anytime):2023: Jan 9, Feb 13, Mar 13, Apr 10, May 8, Jun 12, Jul 10, Aug 14, Sep 11, Oct 9, Nov 13, Dec 11.
2024: Jan 8, Feb 12, Mar 11, Apr 8, May 13, Jun 10, Jul 15, Aug 12, Sep 9, Oct 14, Nov 11, Dec 9.
Sponsorship Levels, Pricing and Signup.
Go to the Pricing/Signup page. Here is our W9 if needed for tax purposes.Audience.
Our live events are structured for maximum efficiency from
both a presenter and attendee standpoint. We feature
non-competitive companies that are best of breed in their
domain. Our Delegates, free from hearing competing sales
pitches from multiple vendors, can instead focus on whether
the speaker's solutions fit with their
organizational/technical needs. We handle every event-related
logistical issue, making it very easy for our partners to
simply show up at 8:00 am and have their display table set up
before attendees arrive at 9:00. In addition to
lunch, networking is before, during and after the event, allowing every
single attendee plenty of time to meet with every single
vendor of interest.
This is a horizontal event, drawing individuals who work
across all industries within a region - retailing,
manufacturing, professional services, finance/insurance,
transportation/logistics, healthcare, universities, and
government - who can directly buy (and/or influence the
purchase of) products and complementary services provided by
sponsors/speakers. Bizsummits drives attendance through highly
focused email campaigns and
Your Presentation Topic.
Sponsors wishing to speak should plan a topic that would add
value to the audience. Please pass the presentation title past
Shelly Fisher at 404-400-2424 or for
safety. Here are some example presentation titles that have
worked well in the past to give you a feel for common topics.
Sample Agenda Summary
8:00 am: | Vendor Setup | 9:00 am: | Registration Open, Signature Refreshments, Peer Networking. |
9:45 am: | New Network and Wireless Technologies. |
10:15 am: | What's New in Backup and Disaster Recovery. |
10:45 am: | Trends in Mobile App Development. |
11:15 am: | BYOD Implementation and Management Strategies. |
11:45am: | Best Practices in Cloud Utilization & Security. |
12:15 pm: | Network Security Present and Future. |
12:45 pm: | Lunch, Peer & Solution Provider Networking, plus Prize Giveaways! |
1:30 pm: | Vendor Breakdown |
View Detailed Agenda |
Example Past Participants in Our Nationwide Events
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